Hello folks. Paul here once again for hookah.org and I have another mix for you. This one is Shisha Fruits Green Apple and Hookah Hookah Butterscotch.

Unsurprisingly, this is a caramel apple flavor and I actually think its one of the best I’ve come across.

A lot of caramel flavors have an artificial waxy note to them that really just tastes like a candle. This doesn’t. This is very nice. This is clean while still being sweet and somewhat savory. It’s a really great mix and it balances the flavors of both the slightly tart and very sweet green apple with the very soft round butterscotch caramel flavors from the Hookah Hookah.

Other than the fact that this mix is a little bit heat sensitive because both of the components are heat sensitive in themselves, I think this is an absolute winner. Considering the fact that even though it doesn’t look like it, it is autumn, I’m going to keep this one in my rotation for a few months because I’m really enjoying this.

That’s it. This is Paul for hookah.org saying thank you very much for joining us. Please go down below, like and subscribe. Give us that thumbs up. Make sure to try out this flavor, this combination, especially for the Halloween season and let us know what you think.

See you guys next time and happy smoking.

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